The Bachs with Shunske Sato
We sit down with Shunske Sato ahead of his long-awaited return to Australia

"I wanted to combine well known pieces with hopefully very new, surprising, maybe even shocking pieces into one nice program.
Ahead of touching down on Australian shores in July, Shunske Sato joined the Brandenburg's Marketing Manager, Joseph Smith on a video call to offer some fascinating insight into the rare repertoire audiences will hear on this program, his excitement to perform with the Brandenburg Orchestra once again, and the timeless question of what he would ask members of Bach family if he had the chance.
Shunske Sato will be leading the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra in our concert series, The Bachs from 13 - 31 July. The program features well known repertoire from members of the Bach family dynasty as well as lesser known works that will "surprise and delight"!