Our Donors
A heartfelt thank you to our generous family of supporters.

Thanks to the tremendous generosity of you and your fellow Brandenburg supporters, we have established nothing short of cultural excellence as Australia’s national baroque orchestra for over 30 years. Our dream is to continue doing exactly this – achieving excellence, inspiring audiences, and sharing our music with you for many more years to come.
Shaun Lee Chen
Ben Dollman
Monique O'Dea
Jamie Hey
Rob Nairn
Melissa Farrow
Adam Masters
Mary Holt and the late Dr John Holt
Dedicated to the memory of James Strong AO
Chairman’s 11 supports the Brandenburg’s international and local guest artists
Roxane Clayton
Richard Fisher AM and Diana Fisher
Chris and Kathy Harrop
Carol Haynes and Skipp Williamson
Mrs W. G. Keighley
Karen McLeod Adair and Anthony Adair AM
Alison Park in loving memory of Richard Park
Michael and Caroline Williams
Anonymous x 1
Brandenburg Annual Giving Donors
Colin and Richard Adams
The Allen Family
Graham Bradley AM and Charlene Bradley
David and Leith Bruce-Steer
Elizabeth Butcher AM
Ms Catherine Condell
Jane and David Duncan
Diana and Richard Fisher
Nancy Fox AM and Bruce Arnold
Chris and Gina Grubb
Jane Hemstritch
Mary Holt and the late Dr John Holt
Karin Keighley in memory of Geoffrey
Grant and Jennifer King
Greg Livingstone
Susan Maple-Brown AM
Mick and Lyndall McCormack
Dr Edward Curry-Hyde and Dr Barbara Messerle
Nick and Caroline Minogue
Hugh Morgan AC and Elizabeth Morgan
Anne Murphy Cruise
Rointon Nugara and Brendan Nugent
Lady Potter AC CMRI
The Rodwell Foundation
Penelope Seidler AM
Jeanne-Claude Strong in memory of James Strong
Sally and Geoffrey White+
Michael and Caroline Williams
Michael and Caroline Williams
Yim Family Foundation
David Zehner
Anonymous x 3
Antoinette Albert
John and Philippa Armfield
John and Robyn Armstrong
John and Lorraine Bates
Mrs Ros Bracher AM
Kay Buckeridge
Ms Louise Christie
Mr Sandy Clark AO and Ms Marie McDonald
Bernard Coles KC and Margaret Coles
Rick and Sue Coles
Toula and Nicholas Cowell
Jennifer Dowling
Wendy and Ron Feiner
In loving memory of Harald Jährling
Carrillo Gantner AC
Charles Grant
Chris and Kathy Harrop
Belinda Hutchinson AC and Roger Massy-Greene AM
D and I Kallinikos
Katie Lahey AM and Robert Marriott
Tania Lamble
Vicki and Adam Liberman
David and Roxanne Mann
Robyn Martin-Weber
Mrs Roslyn Packer AC
In memory of Jenny Parramore
David and Gil Ritchie
Brendan Sowry
Dougall and Elizabeth Squair
Dr Murray and Mrs Joy Stapleton
The Stirling Family
Dr Jason Wenderoth
David and Xenia Williamson
Anonymous x 4
Julieanne Alroe Admiral Christopher Barrie AC and Mrs Maxine Barrie Frederic Baudry and Paul Bailey Catherine Broady Shane Buggle and Rosie Callanan Neil and Jane Burley Henry Burmester and Peter Mason Carole Campbell Prof Dianne Campbell Tony Cardamone John Caspersonn Gerry Chia Rebecca and Craig Clarke Emeritus Professor Martin Comte OAM Frank and Jan Conroy Guy and Jeanette Cooper Jim Cousins AO and Libby Cousins AM Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM Gordon Cumming-Harris Chum Darvall AM David Davies and Paul Presa Carol des Cognets Anne and Jennifer Dineen Catherine and William Dollman Emeritus Professor Dexter Dunphy AM Jane Edmanson OAM Rita Erlich AM Bronwyn Evans The Faithfull Family Kay Fell John Forsyth Nancy Fox AM and Bruce Arnold Malcolm and Barbara France Brian and Philippa France The Hon Ben Franklin MLC Eleanor Freeman Valmae Freilich Justin and Anne Gardener Christine George Dr Lyn Gilbert Emilio Gonzalez Bill and Julie Goold Richard and Heather Gorrell Philip and Anabel Gosse Richard and Anna Green Kathryn Greiner AO Ken Groves and Yun-sik Jang Michael and Helen Hallett Alison Harrop Victoria Hartstein Susan Hilliard Ailsa Hocking and Bernard Williams Ian and Suzanne Holden The Honourable Elizabeth Hollingworth SC Gerard and Helen Hooper Penelope Hughes Greg Hutchinson AM and Lynda Hutchinson Howard Insall SC & Brigitte Pers Jim and Kim Jobson Emma Johnson Irene Kearsey and M J Ridley Richard House and Joshua Kim Daniel Kirkham Nicholas Korner Koumoukelis Family Lilly Krienbuhl Ann Lahore |
Mira Levy Joanne Frederiksen and Paul Lindwall Mary Little Richard and Elizabeth Longes Aggie Maisano In memory of Wes Maley Harold and Ellen Marshbaum Alexandra Martin Joanna B Maxwell Janet McDonald Margaret McDonald Peter McGrath Judith McKernan Colin and Phillippa McLachlan Sandra and Kent McPhee J R Milhinch OAM Beatrice Moignard Chris Mullen Andrew Naylor Robert Niall and Dr Jill Sewell AM Robyn Nicol Dr Paul Nisselle AM and Mrs Sue Nisselle Hans J Ohff Remembering Tom and Jenny Parramore Dr Kevin Pedemont Christina Pender Jim and Chris Pollitt Joan Poulton Pip Rath Dr Kaye Remington Mrs B.C. Roden Rowan Ross AM and Annie Ross Peter Rush The Hon Ronald Sackville AO KC and Mrs Pamela Sackville Mark Santini and Karyn Matotek Alison Savage Dr Olga Scaramuzzi Stuart Schaefer Tony Schlosser Greg and Wendy See Daniela Shannon Dr Gideon and Mrs Barbara Shaw Dr John and Mrs Sue Sherman Jann Skinner Margot Smith Chris and Bea Sochan James Sullivan and Judy Soper Mrs Beverley Southern# Linda Stern Elizabeth Stewart Elizabeth Talbert Mark and Debra Taylor Rob Thomas AO and Sam Meers AO Sue Thomson David Throsby AO and Robin Hughes AO Carolyn Unwin Gerard Vaughan and Alexandra Vaughan Prof Roy MacLeod and Dr Kimberley Webber Derek Taylor and Mark Wheeler Janice White Judith Williams Ray Wilson OAM and Raymond Camillire* K A Wratten Paul Zahra and Duncan Peerman Anonymous x 24 |
*Denotes supporter of creative development project in 2025
Jillian Broadbent AC and Olev Rahn Wayne Burns and Kean Onn See Ita Buttrose AO OBE J and M Cameron Maureen Cooney Dom Cottam and Kanako Imamura Joan Dale Sydney and Elaine Davidoff Margaret Dobbin Janet Doust Hennie du Plooy Elisabeth and Grahame Elder Shoshana Finberg Rosie Freeman R J Furley Gabriella Furtenbach Lynden Gallagher James Gould Major General Steve Gower AO AO (MIL) Carole A P Grace Philip Haigh Clare Harty The Hon Don Harwin Peter and Jenny Hordern Marcelle & Ross King Nicole Lacy Rae Macpherson David Mann |
Deidre and Kevin McCann AO Ian and Pam McGaw Peter Miszalski Anna Mitchell John and Susan Myatt Paul O'Donnell Phillip and Christine Page Evan Petrelis Ken Ramshaw Robin Richardson and Ross McNair Paul Roper Carole Roussel Jacqueline Schwarz John Scott Daniela Shannon Mrs J D Sharpe Hilary Stewart John and Jeneanne te Wechel Mr Frank Tisher OAM and Dr Miriam Tisher Daniela Torsh Jane Trousdale Steve Twaddell Carolyn Ward Gregory W Won Erica Woods Anonymous x 26 |
Maris Abolins Jock Baird in memoriam Annette McClure Virginia Baker Keith Beecher Roslyn Bell Prof David Bryant Barbara Burge Jenny and Henry Burger Gordon Campbell Myles R Coolican Esther Cossman John Cowie Charles Curran AC Marie Dalziel Jennifer Danckert Deborah Debnam Kerri Eager John Firth Josie Fisher Elizabeth and Mark Garwood Pauline Griffin Gillian R Henderson Bernardo Antonio Hernandez Kathy Jackson Ruth Jeremy Robyn Johnston Jennie Keller |
Roslyn Laird Dr Micheline Lane Robyn Lansdowne Dr Allan Laughlin Elizabeth Mackenzie and Michael Bremner Dr Diana Marks and Dennis Bluth Roly and Gabby Maxwell Elizabeth Mildwater Simone and Henry Pakin Rosemary Palmer Christiana and Adrian Plitzco Dior Pun Richard Refshauge Jane Russell Lesley Schroder Clive Scott Judith Shelley Deborah Stahle Michael Thompson Laurel Tsang Frank Wilkinson Janice Windsor and David Brazier Victoria Wright Dr Tammy Wu Anonymous x 25 |
Elizabeth Achleitner Yelda Adal-Hall Neil Adam Judy Alford Vanessa and Jim Andean Christopher Apostolou Garry Armsworth Kathleen Asher Russell G Ashley Stan Asimopoulos Cathy Aston Joanna Austin Diane Aynsley Mano Babiolakis Anna Bailleul Gail Baker Joan and Jeff Barcham Dr Lesley Barclay AO John Bates Lorraine and Malcolm Baxter Colin Beale Helen Beattie Janette Bekker Katrina Ben Heather Benbow Susie Bennett Sandra Bennie Ken Bergin Tom and Larissa Bergmann Dr Ora Bernard Graham Black Roger Bligh Stephen Bloomfield Eugenia Borgese Colin Boston Dindy Boutagy Alan and Janet Brady Michelle Brady Caroline Brand^ Georgia Brignell Elizabeth Brookes Dr Roderick Brooks and Ms Carol Shaw Ann Brown June Brown The Browning Family Judith Bruce Maria Bruce Carolyn Buchanan Prof Ken Buckle Diana Burden Angela Burlizzi Leigh Busby Dr Loris Button Monica Byrnes Patricia Calabro Ken Cameron Cathleen Canlas Victor Canov Peta Cappello David Capponi M Carr Ann Carrick Debra Cass Jenny Cataldi Heather Caufield Tanya Chaitow Cristina Charlton Susan L Clarke Julianne Cleland Marianne Cochrane Andrew and Lisa Cole Peter and James Comerford Melissa Cooke Bronwyn Coop Robyn Cosgrove Jill Cotton Dr David Crocker Winonah Cunningham Libby Dale Lisa Dark Alice Darlow Ray Davidson Dorothy Davies Beverley Davis, OAM JP Caroline Davis Dr Jan Davis Joan Dawson Susanne de Ferranti Graeme Deutscher Trevor and Mary Dickinson Imelda Dodds Simon d'Orsogna Phillip Dows Lee Duffy Claire Dukes Margot Dwyer Jill Ellen Lauren Esdaile Joseph J Favetta Helen Fearnley Francine Feld Stephen Fifer Ange Flannery Helen Fleming Lynette Foldes Denise Foot Evan Freeman Tim Galvin Jill Garland Gary Garner Mark Giurissevich Isabel Glasson Sharon Goldie Peter Goldsmith Colleen Gordon Phoebe Gordon-Allsopp Adrienne Jane Gorme Rob Gould Cherand Gray Jill Green Susan Gregory Andrea Groeller Andrew Gundlach Anya Guo Lila and Andrzej Gurba Gill and Mac Halliday Gliceria Hanson Lindsay Harden Roger Hargraves Teresa Harm John Harrison Robyn Hately Julie Hausmanns Joanne Hawkins Nicholas J Hayes FCA R and Y Hazell Gary and Susan Hearst Dr Hendrik Heijnis Noela Henderson Michael Hewett Pamela Hicks Dr Douglas Hill Lyndell Hill Suzanne Hill Ute Hoffmann Ben Holgate Margaret Houtzaager Paul Howdle Julie Hungerford Dr Alison Hunt Marilyn Hutchison Christine Hutton David Huynh Dr Vojislav Ilic and Mrs Helen Yuen Ilic Margaret Irving RJ Irwin Peter and Delia Ivanoff Tatjana Janjevski Dr Magdalena Jedlicka David Jones Janie Jordan Clara Kempers Catharine Kench Adrian Kennedy Helen Kennedy Dr Sedigh Khademi David Kiernan Janice King John King Zenon Kochman Karishma Kulkarni Laurel Lacroix Julie Laforest Caroline Lamb Dr Susan Lane Philip Lark Tim Lavers Patricia Leckie Hooi Tong Lee Patricia Lele Judith LeVine |
Jennifer Lewis Susan Liepa Selina Lightfoot Christine Lithgow John Logue Mary and Robert Lusby Maureen Lyons John Daniel B. Lysaght Careena Macdonald Janet MacLeish Judy Macourt Romaine Macpherson Julianne Madden Sita Maharaj Brian and Margaret Mahony Bronwyn Markwick Abi Marshall John Marshall Erica Marshall-McClelland Anne Matthews David and Shells Mawter Kate McCue Katie McCullar Janet McDonald AO and Donald McDonald AC Doug McKenzie Suzain McKnight Prof Peter McLennan Margaret McMahon Donia Melnyk Barbara Meyerowitz Peter and Nina Larcombe John Mitchell Darryl Mock Mary Molloy Dr Belinda Moore Terry Moran AC Dorothy Morgan Klaus Mueller Clare Munnelly Olga L Munoz Jan Marie Muscio Collin Myers AM and Marilyn Myers Sarah Nanclares Prof Nilo De Oliveira Nascimento Diana Neale Jennifer Neary AM Anthony Newman William Ng Phillipa and Ian Nicol Christopher North-Coombes Jennifer O'Brien Con O'Donnell Annette Olle Diane Openshaw E K Palmer Camilla Freeman Paredes Dayna Parker Ian Paterson Eddie Patton Rosemary Payne Sonia Peace Gregory Peachey A Pearce Dr Patricia Pearse Anthony Perriam and Michelle Funnell Alan and Alison Peterson C Pettiford Margaret Pickering Anthony Pople Mark Pritchard Diana Prowse Simon Rabl Suzanne Rea Macrina Read Monica Richter Dr Suzanne Rickard Dr Mary Roberts Alastair Robertson Patricia Roche Marguerite Rummery Vlad S Iveta Samulis Barry Sanders Alysia Sanderson Stef Saunders Pauline Sawyer Patrice Scales Mrs Antonia Schmid Paul Schneider Rob Sebastian Diana Shang Giselle Sharp Bruce Shaw Angus Shephard Janne Shephard Nancy Shilton David Simkin Joe Singe Mark Skurnik Philip Slade Godfrey F Smith Helen Smith Libby Smith Michael Smith Daan Spijer Patricia Spinks Susan Spooner Karla Stacey Rosalie Steeger Judith Stewart Dr Charles Su Grace Su Rory Sutton Bronwyn Sweeney Jacqui Sykes J and S Szangolies Andre Tammes Jade Tan Michael Taylor Bryony Thompson Cathy Thompson-Brown Sally Tibbles Lynne Ticehurst Gail Tierney Julius Timmerman Dr Peter Ting Irina Tkachenko Chris Tolhurst David Tomlin Dr Robin Torrence Terry Tovey Joanne Tropea Graham and Jennifer Trowse Dr Gillian Turner Judith Turner Tim Unger Anne Vans-Colina Pamela Verrall Angela Vespoli Marion Villani Linh Vo Forest Waddell Cathy Wagner Dr Judith Walker Barbara Wall Brian Wall Anne Wallace Dr Meredith Ward David Warne Rebecca Warren Stephen Watts Catherine Webb Sally Webb Sheryl Weil Kerry Wells Frances Westcombe Mr Don and Mrs Rosie White Jenny White Natasha White Yanina White Eve Whitehead Deirdre Whitford David Whiting Cheryl Williams Dr Elizabeth Willsteed Erika Wils Margot Wilson Mrs Christine Wong Kim Woo Cael Wood Danielle Wood Richard Woods Brian Woodward Suzanne Woolley Helena Young Matthew Young Ann and Gabby Zipser Lara Zolotarev Anonymous x 175 |
STRADIVARI $100,000 – $249,999
Cary and Rob Gillespie
Chris and Kathy Harrop
Rowan Ross AM and Annie Ross
Christine Yip and Paul Brady
Anonymous x 1
GUARNERI $50,000 – $99,999
Macquarie Group Foundation
The Martin Family in memory of Lloyd Martin AM
Anonymous x 1
MAESTRI $25,000 – $49,999
John and Robyn Armstrong
Crown Resorts Foundation
Greg Hutchinson AM and Lynda Hutchinson
Nick and Caroline Minogue
David and Rachel Zehner
ARCANGELI $15,000 – $24,999
Mr David Baffsky AO and Mrs Helen Baffsky
Melinda Conrad and David Jones
Mick and Lyndall McCormack
Glenn Moss and the late Dr Ken Moss AM
CAMERATA $10,000 – $14,999
Graham Bradley AM and Charlene Bradley
The Clayton Family
Norman Gillespie
Rohan Mead
Mark Pistilli
Louise Watson
Mrs Ruth Spence-Stone
Elizabeth Starr
Ron and Shayne Tanner
Mark and Debra Taylor
Anne E. Thomas
Janice White
Anonymous x 18
The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra warmly acknowledges the bequests it has received from the Estate of Alexander Roche and the Estate of Jonathan de Burgh Persse.
We are hugely appreciative to all those who have pledged a bequest to the Brandenburg.
Colin and Richard Adams
Catherine Barralet
Ms Catherine Condell
R. Cook
Professor Geoffrey N Cooper
Janet Doust
The Faithfull Family
Brian and Leonie Fisher
J Hubbard and B Cowie
RJ Irwin
Lilly K
Peter McGrath
Penelope Oerlemans
Joan and Lloyd Poulton
Art and Cynthia Raiche
Mrs Ruth Spence-Stone and Mr Peter Stone
Elizabeth Starr
Ron and Shayne Tanner
Mark and Debra Taylor
Anne E Thomas
Professor Junia Vaz de Melo, MD, PhD
Jennifer Wells
Janice White
Anonymous x 15
The following donors have supported the establishment of the Brandenburg Opera Circle, enabling the Orchestra to expand its repertoire into the world of baroque opera, as well as nurturing young opera singers and creative teams.
Toula and Nicholas Cowell
Wendy and Ron Feiner
Deborah Fox and Harald Jahrling
Justin and Anne Gardener
Irene and John Garran
Ken Groves and Yun-sik Jang
Mary Holt and the late Dr John Holt
A le Marchant
Peter McGrath
Dr Agnes Sinclair
Victoria Taylor
Greg Ward
Ray Wilson OAM in memory of James Agapitos OAM
Christine Yip and Paul Brady
Anonymous x 2
APA Group
Bain & Company
Bain International
BDO Auditors
Centre for Corporate Public Affairs
Elwyn Consulting
Gilbert + Tobin
Investa Property Group
IVE Group
Link Group
Macquarie Group
Pacific Equity Partners
Philip Bacon Galleries
The Lancemore Group
Toll Group
#Donors to the Brandenburg Instrument Fund
+Donors to the 30th Anniversary Book
^Donors to the New Works Circle
This donor list is current for a 12-month period to 25 January 2024.
If the Brandenburg has enriched your life or if you would like to deepen your involvement with us, we would be thrilled to welcome you into our valued family of supporters.
If you are interested in hearing more about our Annual Giving or Major Giving programs, or Bequests, our Development Team would be delighted to speak with you.
Joshua Kim – Head of Development
1800 782 856
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